Approximately 600K Veterans will leave the Services in the next two years
Over 500,000 of the current enlisted forces are available for part time jobs or projects
Veteran Skills Market offers million of trained and experienced applicants with skills the commercial
companies seek
Employers struggle to effectively identify, communicate with and gain access to transitioning and unemployed service members who have the skills they seek.
Corporate Military “speak” does not align with Commercial skill descriptions.
The impact of the missed opportunities?
Approximately 600K Veterans will leave the Services in the next two years
Highly Skilled, Trained, and Education
Over 500,000 of the current enlisted forces are available for part time jobs or projects
Military job applicants are Highly Skilled, Trained, and have Field Experience.
Why is it hard?
Employer have limited understanding of leveragable veteran skills and competencies.
Misalignment of applicant competencies with commercial job descriptions
Missed opportunities to hire quality individuals due to knowledge gaps
Fragmented Employment Sites!
Reliance on resumes and inadequate alignment of competencies and skills
Limited understanding of veteran skills and competencies
Introducing SkilLMil
SkillMil offers precision hiring of the right skill mapped to the right job for high performance hiring.
Machine learning and knowledge based reasoning automates the matching of military skills with commercial.
Proprietary methodology ensures “military” speak is mapped to “business” speak accurately